About Us
Tomche Shabbos was founded in 1975 with its humble beginnings of a single package for a bedridden man’s family who was in financial struggle. This noble act of kindness has mushroomed into a $1.3 million yearly operation funded by goodhearted people like yourself for the hundreds of families in need.
Weekly food boxes are carefully assembled by a team of volunteers, including professional businessmen and students alike, and discreetly delivered by additional volunteers to the homes of needy families. Our recipients are screened for eligibility and include families struggling for various reasons, be it the death of a parent, unemployment, elderly individuals or families struggling with medical crises.
We currently assist approximately four hundred families in need, weekly with food for Shabbos and Yom Tov. Pesach is an especially challenging Yom Tov, wherein we provide for over 1000 families with a budget exceeding $500,000.
We want to help everyone in need. However, we need your support in this worthy and vital cause.

Facts & Figures
You shop and Amazon.com Gives!
When you shop at www.smile.amazon.com Amazon will donate to Tomche Shabbos of Boro Park and Flatbush.
Amazon’s charitable foundation will donate .5% (that’s half a percent) of your purchase to Tomche Shabbos of Boro Park and Flatbush and it’s so easy to set up.
Just go to: www.smile.amazon.com and select Tomche Shabbos of Boro Park and Flatbush Inc as your supporting charity!